

Electrical wiring is often one of the most misunderstood aspects of owning a home. When just one part of the network goes out, the whole system could be compromised. The professionals at Drop Line Electric know that’s why precision installation and professional system upkeep is crucial to having good wiring in your home. We have the experience and training to work with full installations of electric wiring as well as new additions that improve existing systems. With Drop Line Electric at your side, it’s easier and safer than ever before to improve your home’s electrical wiring.


It’s no surprise to homeowners that even the best electrical wiring configurations can have issues from time to time – especially if you live in an area that’s prone to storms and power outages like we are. That’s why we offer 24-7 emergency service at Drop Line Electric. We take an all-encompassing approach to diagnosing and getting to the heart of the problem swiftly and safely with it comes to your home’s electrical wiring. Whether the job entails new wiring or a simple fix, we’ve got the tools and training to cover every aspect of the job. Homeowners across Brownsville-Bawcomville, Cheniere, Claiborne, Monroe, Richwood, Swartz, West Monroe, and surrounding LA areas can count on fast service and professional results at Drop Line Electric. 

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